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As if the damage caused by harmful pests to your trees, shrubs and plants are not enough havoc, they may also transmit lethal diseases. Acting as what we call "vectors" several pests (i.e. aphids, mealy bugs, leafhoppers, and mites) transmit virus diseases from one plant to another. As they suck sap from the plant tissue, insects ingest virus particles and carry them through their digestive system - which can multiply, and then be transmitted to other plants.

Viruses transmitted by insects can bring quick death, or stunted growth to the trees, shrubs, or plants. Rarely do they give no signs, or negative symptoms. When you're talking about Mosaic viruses - they produce foliage that is stunted and mottled. White flies, aphids, and even leaf-hoppers are probably considered to be among the most serious and prolific of virus vectors.

But Tree Medics can give you the edge with combating these pests attacking your trees, shrubs and plant. Call us TODAY, for a free consultation - and treatment options available for you! 346-498-9926


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